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  • Smoking or Vaping?

    August 21, 2019

    Smoking vs Vaping

    Vaping has been growing in popularity since 2009 within the uk, we’ve seen It progress from small thin pens that mimic the look of cigarettes to large devices powered by multiple batteries. Now, you could be forgiven for wanting advice on what exactly is vaping? Or even how to vape?

    As we all know vaping has become the favourite, preferred and most highly recommended tool for quitting smoking by the NHS. PHE (Public Health England) have recently completed studies that even recommend vaping areas within hospitals (see the report here).

    The main reason for this is not driven by investment from the “vaping industry” but rather the opposite. Many health organisations (the FDA, AIHW) have expressed reservations or even extreme doubt over the safety of vaping, but whenever this occurs there also appears to be a close connection to and interest from pro-tobacco lobbyists. The NHS are in full support of electronic cigarettes as they receive no funding from the tobacco industry, well none to speak of that will cause them to drive more people towards smoking. Quite a dark subject, but there we go (here).

    Cigarettes vs E-Cigarettes

    high risk

    1. A recent study at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland found that the cancer danger of vaping is almost as low as for nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gum — less than one percent. “This study should put to rest any doubt within the tobacco control movement about whether vaping greatly reduces health risk compared to smoking,” wrote Boston University’s Dr. Michael Siegel.
    2. There has been no research to date showing any provable cardiovascular danger from vaping.
    3. There is no evidence that vaping causes or worsens asthma. But even better, a study by Dr. Riccardo Polosa found that vaping shows signs of harm reversal in asthma sufferers — even if they just reduce their smoking.

    With the absence of Tar and of Carbon Monoxide we can draw a safe conclusion that vaping carries vastly fewer health risks than traditional tobacco combustion.

    The advantages of Vaping

    Now that we have the health facts out of the way, let’s talk about the main differences from the perspective of the experience of using an electronic cigarette vs smoking.




    Improved flavour

    Firstly there’s the improved flavour and lack of nasty smell. At first, most smokers won't think that there is much smell difference and that they are just tolerating the flavours as a means to an end. That the taste doesn’t matter. If smoking tasted so bad for years why should a few months of another taster change anything? After a few weeks this, however, tends to change.




    Lack of nasty smell

    After the first “leap”, shall we say, a smoker who has turned to vaping, who now hasn’t smoked for that first 1 or 2 week period tends to return to their vape shop asking to try more of the flavours and being much more specific about the flavour that they might prefer. Their sense of smell has returned, in part, and they now quite like the idea of vaping a light peach earl grey iced tea flavour or strawberries and cream for example. The user gains a relationship with their device in which they understand the simple steps required to keep their device clean and what flavours they know they can enjoy all day long even if it's still just a rich and warm tobacco flavour. 

    Vaping is cheaper than cigarettes

    Secondly we see the difference in price. Where someone had been spending £10 a day on cigarettes, now they see prices similar to less than half of that even with heavy and sustained use.


    This is also one of the most attractive aspects of vaping. For a small price of around £30-£40 someone could have a good “Vape” pen or device and enough liquid for a few weeks. Compared to 3 or 4 days? Needless to say, financially, vaping makes a lot of sense. Then to find that the main expense in this £30 is for the device and that the upkeep of the coils of the device. keeping the tank full with juice is even cheaper again...


    Control gained over nicotine consumption

    Another one of the many advantages to vaping is the control gained over nicotine consumption. No longer is their amount of nicotine per hour defined by 2.5inch long white sticks with a preallocated dose, now not only can they have 1 draw alone or 5 in a row but they can choose exactly the amount of nicotine in each puff. Now, it’s a little tricky to figure out exactly how much is in each and every puff with a degree certainty but it is easy enough to get a rough estimate.

    If you want any more information on vaping and it’s comparison to smoking, feel free to pop into any of our shops and a member of our team will happily advise you on exactly how to approach your first step in vaping. From your first device, how to vape, what is the best vape kit for you or even what is vaping? There is no such thing as a stupid question. We get new flavours and devices all the time, generally weekly.

    So pop in, see us and find out what's new!

    House of Vapes - London team


    1. Public Health England; evidence review of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products 2018. (Here)

    2. US National Library of Medicine; Riccardo Polosa (Here)

    3. Prof. Michael Siegel; Boston University School of Public Health

    4. A Device-Independent evaluation of carbonyl emission from heated electronic cigarette solvents.

    5. PLoSOne 2017;12:e0169811. (Here)

    6. Tobacco Control Journal (Here)

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