Choosing Your First Vape | The Best Starter Vape Kits
Are you looking to switch to vaping for the first time? Here at House of Vapes - London we’re here to help you find your first starter vape kit that you’ll love to start you on your vaping journey.
Do you have further questions? Feel free to get in touch with your questions to our customer service team or check out our FAQ section.
How To Choose Your First Vape Kit
It can be quite confusing when trying to decide which e-cigarette to start with - so we have broken them down into two types of starter kits: Pod-Style Vape Kits & Pen-Style Vape Kits.
Ideally you should pick something you are comfortable with using, as the plan is for this vape kit to last you a while until you eventually upgrade or get something different.
If you still have further queries on deciding which vape kit to start with, then check out our blog post How To Choose Your E-Cigarette or get in touch with our customer service team here.
Helpful Vaping Tips
• When you install a new coil, leave it in a tank/pod full of e-liquid for 10-15 minutes before use to allow the cotton within the coil to saturate fully.
• Between each vape, give your coil 10-15 seconds to re-saturate to reduce the chance of burning it out early
• Carry a spare coil with you, as you never know when you might need to change it
• Keep your tank/pod topped up with e-liquid as much as you can, to avoid any dry hits.
• Go for a nicotine strength that matches your prior smoking rate & reduce at your own speed
• Lock or turn off your device when you’re not using it
• Ask for help: if you ever get stuck, ask us for help - there are no silly questions!
1. University College London, 08/21
2. Public Health Englands, 08/15
3. Cancer Research, 01/22
4. Action on Smoking & Health (ASH): 01/21
5. University of Catania, 08/21